Worship at St. Paul's
Rooted in tradition - Relevant for today

Worship at St. Paul’s begins on Saturday evening at 5:30. This is a casual service held in abbreviated fashion with music, readings, the sermon, and concludes with communion.

Each Sunday since 1882, our church bell is rung announcing that that morning worship is about to begin. Following the ringing of the church bell at 10:00 a.m., the prelude is led by the organist and pianist calls us all to an attitude of worship.

Our worship services typically follow a historical four-part pattern:

GATHER: Following the welcome to worship and announcements, each service opens with a confession and forgiveness of sins, a thanksgiving for baptism, or something similar, followed by the opening hymn and other music. This portion of the service concludes with the Prayer of the Day.

WORD: The word of God is heard from both the Old and New Testament and a psalm. Following the readings, the children are invited forward for the Children’s Sermon. We then hear a sermon by the pastor, followed by the Hymn of the Day.

MEAL: We observe the practice of open communion. Open communion invites all believers forward to receive the body and blood of Christ Jesus to “strengthen and keep us in His grace”. On the first Sunday of the month communion is given at the altar. Communion by stations is observed on the remaining Sundays of the month and Saturdays.

SENDING: Our worship service concludes with a blessing from God as we are sent in mission to the world.

There are many opportunities for you to volunteer in the worship services: the Altar guild, ushers, acolytes, readers, assisting ministers, organist, pianist, musicians, singers, communion assistants, processional participants, and all God’s children.