Breaking bread and sharing a meal is part of the heart of the congregation. There are many opportunities here at St. Paul’s for the members to share a good meal or potluck, engage in conversation, and have FUN!  Such events include:

  • The annual Chili Cook-Off is hosted by the Luther League to help raise funds to offset expenses as they attend the Triennial Youth Gathering. 


  • Easter Sunrise Breakfast is held following the Easter Sunrise Service.  It, too, is hosted by the Luther League.


  • The World Hunger Fish Fry is coordinated by the Social Ministry Task Force and the Budget/Stewardship Committee.


  • The annual Ice Cream Social is hosted by the Women of the ELCA.  A committee coordinates the event with many of our members assisting in serving, kitchen duty, and entertainment.


  • Senior Member Sunday is also hosted by the Luther League. This event is an opportunity for our members to say “Thank You” to our faithful, talented members who have given so much to our congregation.


  • The Mission Festival Potluck is held following our annual Mission Festival worship service.  


  • The Advent Calendar is one way for us, as Christians, to wait for the birth of our Savior.  The Advent season of the church has brought about many traditions for this period of waiting.  A tradition at St. Paul’s provides an opportunity to enjoy a treat (food or beverage) each day of Advent paired with a scripture reading and a devotion written by each participant.


  • The Advent Dinner is held each year on the first Sunday in Advent following worship.  It is a time when we as a congregation gather to share a meal as we prepare to wait for the birth of our Savior.